So - I counted back to the day this all started and I found out that today should be Day 37, roughly! Now - that seems like a lot of time - and it seems that I should be out buying a new pair of pants - but alas, I am not. I am thinking that maybe all my pants were just too small to begin with b/c they actually are fitting now. Hmmmm. Anyways, I don't really chart the weight loss, or the loss of inches, I just write about it and pray that by the end of the year I will be a skinny girl! That being said - I did notice the other day that if I stand and flex what little muscle I have in my abdomen area, I can see the tips of my toes. This my friends is a huge accomplishment! (that means you can clap and be proud of me!) I also thought that you might like to see a video of me on the treadmill (remember when I said I could entertain my son better than Lady Gaga?) I figured if you are still reading this blog and still find it funny it is about time you get a glimpse of what I do: ENJOY!!
And lest you think that this isn't me in the video I have also included a video of my children watching me! I believe the comment, "Mommy this is you when you were a bear," says it all. (At least he used the past tense right?) I apologize for the cut off heads - I couldn't see where the camera was pointing, and I also apologize for the high pitch scream - he does that when he gets excited. I do not apologize for the bluntness. My life and my children are what they are! Have fun!
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