Waking up to my little boy staring at me. As soon as my eyes are open he looks deep into them and then, without a word he leans down and wraps his little arms around my neck and plants a big one! Then jumps off the bed and runs to the living room. I love him!
My daughter taking the initiative to serve everyone in the family. She makes sure that my bed is made, my boys' room is clean (what a feat!), the computers are charged, and the dog is fed. Who is this sweet little girl that is changing right before my eyes?? I love her!
My middle son. I used to worry that he would be "that kid". And I was right he is "that kid". "That kid" that I love more than words can explain. "That kid" that daily amazes me with his sweet spirit. "That kid" who holds his brothers hand just because they are best friends. "That kid" who can calm the dog. "That kid". Thanks be to heaven for blessing my life with "that kid". I love him!
My husband - who makes me feel special on a daily basis. He is the man that I married on a hunch; had kids with b/c I was supposed to; fought with daily for almost 8 years; watched work 2 full time jobs and go to school so that I could be a stay at home mom. He is the man that I love - no questions asked, and no explanation for, it is just there. I love him!
My dog. Hammy was born to be my dog. As silly as it sounds, my dog knows everything about me. He is always there when I need him. He knows when I need him to cuddle, he knows when to check on the kids. He knows when not to bother me. He eats when I eat, he sleeps when I sleep, and he has more patience with me than any living thing I have met. I love him!
My laundry piles - they mean I can change my clothes. My dirty dishes in my sink - they mean I ate that day. My junk mail - it means I have a home. My memories - they are what make me me.
I am grateful for my little things. What are yours? What do they mean? Are you grateful?
Yes.... especially on those horrible rotten days that make you just want to sit down and cry then move on and leave everything you've been doing behind. I love reading your posts! You're so cute!