Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 24

Midnight of Day 23: decide that I will get up and take the kids to school and go workout!!

6:30 AM: Wake up and decide that I was not in my right mind at midnight - but I get dressed anyway

7:27 AM: Drop off oldest two at school and figure since I am awake I might as well workout - Treadmill here I come

7:47 AM: Arrive at home and take the dog for a 20 minute walk around the entire apartment complex, just to warm up my muscles. I live on the top floor of the building so at the end of the walk - I run the stairs.

7:50 AM: Drive over to the gym and remember there is no bathroom - I have to go so I drive back home. Also realize I have no water - so I decided it is worth it to head back home. I run the stairs again. 

8:20 AM: The toilet clogs (this happens about every 2 days) so I go and grab the plunger. I also discover that my son is awake and laying with dad. I decide to let husband sleep and pack up breakfast for my son. We walk out the door. After we get down 1/2 the flight of stairs I remember the lack of bathroom and that my son hasn't gone yet. Run back up the stairs and let son into the house to go pee. Head back out the door and down the stairs to the car.

8:57 AM: Walk into the gym and turn on the TV - hoping to find Dora, as was promised as a reward for behaving while mommy worked out. The only channel available was VH1....consider leaving, but I really want some time on the treadmill so I stay and plan to entertain my son myself (have you ever actually watched me workout - your stomach would get a great workout from all the laughing you would be doing!)

9:03 AM: Walk over to the treadmill only to be greeted by a sign that says: "OUT OF ORDER"

9:04 AM: Still standing blankly at the sign I turn to see Lady Gaga naked in her video and my son totally and completely inthralled....decide this is so not happening this morning and get back in the van (after I do some leg crunches that slightly resemble the ones I saw Bob on Biggest Loser make one of the contestants do. I also do some of those push-up thingys with that machine you sit on that feels like a bicycle but brings you no comfort?)

9:07 AM: Remember that my dad has a key to Anytime fitness - call him - he has a key, with him, at I call mom but she doesn't answer

9:10 AM: Run back up the stairs and let me and my son into the house. I decide it is me and Leslie and a brisk 2 mile walk.

9:15 AM: Start the workout with Leslie and realize that my calves and hamstrings are burning and it is only the warm-up..

9:30 AM: Called it quits at a mile and fast forwarded the DVD so I could stretch. 

9:45 AM: Jump in the shower and wash out all the sweat and grime of the morning. Come to grips with the fact that I won't have a treadmill for a while, cry about it a little bit, and then say screw it - I'll just walk the dog like 3 times a day and at a really fast pace!

10:46 AM: Sit and type this entry and try to come to grips with the fact that today is picture day and sometime before midnight I have to post my 3rd installment of photos - ugh!!


  1. Nikki, I just have to say that I think it's awesome you are doing this. It takes a lot of motivation to work out & to stick to a program, especially when you are your sole motivator {I pretty always had to have someone to help motivate me to work out}. You're going to do awesome, I just know it! Keep thinking positively - I'm sure you'll make your goal! :)

  2. thanks!!! miss you guys - is everything going good?

  3. Oh Nikki, how you make me sick :)
    During the semester I made a goal that I wouldn't walk anywhere. I ran to class, ran to meetings, ran to other apartments (replace "ran" with jogged at a decently slow pace)

    Now that I'm graduated I don't have anywhere to run and I just can't bring myself to leave the house for any reason except extreme emergencies. . .

    So when are you guys coming over to dinner again? I leave in 2 weeks.

  4. Oh theresa - I would love to come to dinner again - but I already left Rexburg...I'm in Atlanta, GA now...maybe we can meet 1/2 way??? ;)
