Thursday, January 14, 2010

Days 17 and 18

My friends - while I have been on a hiatus I have spent an undisclosed (and probably unhealthy) amount of time with my dear friend Jillian Michaels. I spend hours upon hours a day reading everything I can about her - checking out all the pictures on her FB account (I became her fan and as such am now one of her most closest friends, yea me and the other 184, 565 people). I now know that she has 2 dogs, the love of her life is a little black dog, who is super cute, named 7 (still not sure how that name came to be) and Harley (who is the cutest rag-a-muffin pup I have ever seen) she also loves horses and has a beautiful black horse named Buzz. As I was going through her photo albums (I sound like a stalker don't I?) I came across some of these photos...Now imagine me looking like this every Sunday.....

Yep - All the Sisters in the Ward would hate me.....And what if I could look this good in a Walmart Uniform...Jillian Style of course.....

And, to top it all off, what if I ran around town looking this good in my sweaty workout clothes?

Yes - imagine that! I asked my husband to do that and he immediately said I should get up and get working. I have been thinking about this - and I am determined - and it may take the rest of my life = but I am determined to meet this woman. And no - I don't want to do it as a big fatso. I want to meet this woman and say - hey - I worked out with you every day in my living room. You kicked my butt and I just want to say thanks!! So - call me crazy, but I am about to amass almost everything "Jillian" I can get my hands on. Now some of you may be thinking that I will just be one of the many contributors to her (I am sure massive) amounts of wealth - but who cares? This is the woman that inspires me. Did you know she used to be - dare I say the word - fat!!?? I am not kidding. She isn't shy about telling people that she "struggled with her weight" in her youth (yes - I am 28 - still struggling with the weight, and I am youthful....) and it wasn't until she joined a Martial Arts class that she learned the power of positive thinking and was able to change her attitude.  The article that I found states:

"Even though she is now one of the leading personal trainers in the industry, Jillian struggled with her weight and appearance throughout most of her youth. After being introduced to the martial arts, Jillian finally found the motivation to transform her appearance. She studied Muay Thai and Akarui-Do, in which she eventually earned a black belt. One of the most important lessons her instructor ever taught her was to reverse her negative thinking."

Why do I write all this? Well one, because I needed to write something today, and two, this is where my motivation comes from. While I am terrified at this point to try and plug in one of her DVDS just yet (I want to be able to walk the 2 miles with Leslie without passing out first) I am determined to let Jillian kick my butt! And I am determined to walk away from said butt-kicking. 

A few thoughts from Jillian herself:

"The past does not define you, the present does." 

"Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!" 

"I am doing the best I can given what I have today." 

"A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul." 

and my personal favorite:

"Sometimes people will hear you and be able to change their behavior, but often their behavior has more to do with their own need for approval than with your need for support. No matter what their response, you need to be firm and hold your ground. At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility." 

So there!

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