Saturday, January 16, 2010

Days 19 and 20

You will have to forgive me: since I haven't been exercising I have not only forgotten how to spell the word, but I have spent a lot of time in multiple doctors offices. Now I do not think that the fact that I am not exercising has anything to do with the fact that I have been in several offices, and maybe I am just one of those people who goes to the doctor too often any way - but let me just share with you some of my frustrations this past week (since of course, I have nothing else to write about.) And may I also warn you: this will be mostly griping and complaining in my usual sarcastic manner so be advised: Continue at your own risk. 

As we know from previous posts I have been sick this week with pneumonia. I went to the doctor, got the medicine, and was able to come home. Consequently I am now feeling much better, okay maybe not much, but better and am on my way to recovering. Well - my littlest guy - the one pictured above... has had a much much rougher week - and as a momma bear I am so on the rampage and ready to lash out at the next medical person I see, but lest you think me unrational - let me explain. 

The day after I went to the hospital I took all three of my kids to the pediatrician  - ear problems. Said littlest one had a blockage in his ear tube. He was referred to the ENT for later in the week. He was also extremely congested in his nose. We decided to consult the ENT about that little problem as well. We went home and went about our business. That night our troubles began....It was Tuesday night, I was not sleeping because I was coughing every 3 minutes, the syrup they gave me made me feel super gittery and I paced the floor Monday night for 5 hours after the second dose. I hear my little man cough and then he began to cry. He was congested, feverish, and generally miserable. I figured that if I was awake I might as well hold him so he could sleep and so that is what I did. Running a low grade fever, we both lay on the couch, he sleeping mostly, me sleeping not at all. 

Wednesday morning rolls around and I call to make an appt with the ENT the pediatrician recommended. The lady on the other end of the phone seemed super excited to be talking to me. I explained to her that I had 3 children who needed to be seen as soon as possible. The reasons to be seen included, but were not limited to, a bulging ear drum, a blocked tube, possible fluid in the ear, and severe sinus congestion. The soonest she could get me in (after going through all 4 doctor's schedules) was Feb 23. FEB 23?!?! Did she not hear the issues my children were having. Well, being a good mom, I told her I would take the appt (and secretly was going to find another ENT) and she proceeded to tell me that I would have to choose which child was seen that day - the others would have to wait until March and April. Are you kidding me? I told her I thought she was ridiculous, and that I would leave that Feb appt open, I would never use her office, and I would suggest to my ped. that they never recommend that doctor again. Then I called the peds office and requested another ENT. I called them and they got all of my kids an appt on Fri.   

Wednesday night was the same as Tuesday - fever, coughing, severe congestion, and no sleep. 

Thursday day was alright. Feverish, not bad. Congestion as always, but a nap - so that was good. 

Thursday night we ended up in the ER. Fever spiked to 102 and I was tired of not sleeping. I figured by now he had at the very least a sinus infection, but he was miserable and I thought it was a good option. Now before I proceed may I just say that my blood is still boiling and my poor computer keys are going to get a beating...

I took my little guy into the ER - we also took his security blanket. I promised him that all they would do would be to weigh him, take his temp, and then use the fairy light. (to check his oxygen saturation) They did weigh him, and we avoided an emotional breakdown. Then he got called into triage. The nurse immediately strips his blanket off of him - and the trauma began. Who was this awful woman? I hated her already. She pulls out the fairy light and tells him not to be afraid - it was just a really big bandaid - my son is terrified of bandaids. I almost had him calmed him down, and she needed his temp. She proceeds to inform me that she was going to take it rectally. My son is 4 1/2 - I told her it was out of the question - we were going to do it another way - under the arm perhaps. She told me the only type of thermometer she had was a rectal and that was the only way to take it. I argued with the woman for 5 mintues. She then proceeded to tell me that if I wouldn't help her, she would bring in another nurse. Calling upon all my voodoo powers, I killed her in my brain, called upon the shadow man to rain down evil upon her head forever, and let her take the temp. When she was done - I told my baby that he could be mad at the mean evil nurse, because I certainly was. I told him I hated her and thought she was stupid and I also gave him permission to say those things about her too. She was washing her hands the whole time. She then said, "Well he was too upset to take it under his tongue, otherwise we could have done it that way." I swear - she was Satan, what kind of sadistic woman does that!?!? I told her, "Well, if I was coming at your a** with a lubed up probe wouldn't you be freaked out too?" If I had gotten her name, she would be forever endured to the voodoo doll I would have made of her. * I am going to pause now and bring down my blood pressure - please hold *

We were shown into the back where the doctor proceeded to examine everything except my sons nose - my main complaint. After 3 hours and 2 xrays (??) we were told he didn't have pneumonia and he was going to be discharged with an unexplained fever. I stared at the Doctor and said, "Could he have a sinus infection? I mean, you never did look in his nose." My friends, this is the answer the ER doctor gave me, "Well, you know. I can't be sure. I don't know. You said he was going to the ENT tomorrow, thats good. He would be a much better judge of that than me. I can't be sure if his [fever and thick green mucus] are the cause of a sinus infection - I can't determine that." Please tell me you are in shock. Of all things, he couldn't diagnose a sinus infection? God forbid a real emergency were to happen while he were on call...again, voodoo doll. anyone?!?

Friday we go to the ENT. Little ones ear was plugged, they tried to vacuum out the wax (this is common practice) and couldn't proceed b/c it was so impacted. He screamed and cried and again, I was holding my son down for yet another medical procedure. The whole time they were trying with his ear he was screaming, "I'll be good! I'll be good!" Yes, thank you satanic nurse who probed my sons rectum - may you receive all that you give out....

His ear wax is as sticky and thick as peanut butter - so it was a no go on the vacuum. I asked the PA to take a look at his sinuses. She did and she proceeded to tell me that the color looked clear - and he was fine. And then she said, "If he starts to run a fever then he should have antibiotics." Are you joking me? "He does have a fever, he has been running a fever of 102 for 3 days," I said. "Oh, well, still, he looks fine to me."

I left the office without any medicine. 

Friends, as I sit and type this my little man is laying miserably on the couch. Security blanket in hand, and terrified anytime I try to give him Tylenol, or help him blow his nose, or try to treat him in any way. I hate that nurse. I hate that ER doctor. And I hate that ENT PA. And if there is/was/maybe such as thing as karma, may it be a b**** and pass along all things that are due. 


  1. What ENT did you go to? We love Kenzies and have never had any issues! I can give you her info if you want

  2. We went to Dr. Alvarez' office - over at the hospital. I would love to know who you see!

  3. sad sad sad happenings! I am so sorry you're going through this! I know that doctors are starting to get paranoid about prescribing antibiotics to people with viruses, but seriously, they can take it WAY too far and refuse to treat a possible bacterial infection. Good luck in the coming days, and may your little guy get over the trauma of Nurse Satan.

  4. I'm sorry that you have had such a rough week!! I could feel my blood pressure rising as I read this!
    When we first moved to New York, Deagan got super sick and when we took him to the Dr. they said they had to take his temp rectally. It was horrible. Who invented this awful way of taking a temp in kids!
    I hope you all get feeling better!

  5. your poor baby! I had an idea for his ear. Have you ever heard of an ear candle? I think you can get them at Walgreens.... are you still in Rexburg? They might have them at that Nature's Goodness store in the little strip mall behind Sonic. Hope he feels better soon!

  6. Sorry, it's Nature's Nook. Phone number: 356-5284

  7. Aww thanks guys!!

    Megan - Congratulations on the birth of little Finn! You look so happy and amazing - I think you are the kind of woman who can have babies forever, and since they all turn out to be super cute - I think the ladies of the world would appreciate that very much!!

    Michelle - I have no idea who thought of such an awful way - but even as a new mom I wouldn't do it. I usually lied when the doctor asked (I always took it in the ear) and in the end I was never off more than a tenth of a degree!! And this last time was no exception....ahhhhhh........also, congrats on that cute little belly that you seem to be growing! I can't wait for you guys!

    Lacey - Sadly - we cannot use ear candles b/c he has the tubes - or at least we have strongly been advised not to. The ear drops they gave him are working wonders though. And, also sadly, maybe more sad than the candle, we are not in Rexburg anymore. We had a surprise situation came up that threw everything into a "wizard of Oz" type of tornado and when we landed, we weren't in Rexburg - we are in Atlanta, GA. Had we been in Rexburg I would have gladly taken my baby to the ENT there - Doctor Jay McMaster is the best doctor in the entire world - and he is one of those doctors that I would live (almost) anywhere just to be his patient. Should you need an ENT - he is the one to go to - hands down!

  8. Andy actually saw him not too long ago and he was going to be my next suggestion if you guys were still here! What a small world!
