Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 8

So I swore that I would work out for 30 minutes every day for the next seven days - and today at least, I did. I am hoping that feeling returns to my thighs by tomorrow morning so that I can continue on with the self torture I insist on inflicting upon myself. Today's exercise regimen (not regiment, apparently, when you add the letter 't' to the end it suddenly references military - which isn't any different than what I do but whatever) consisted of some new challenges. For one, I felt extremely fit this morning , considering that last week I exercised all of 4 days (you know, I am a pro now and all that) so I decided to open up the DVD I got myself for Christmas - the one that contains 5 exercises in 1. Since I committed to 30 minutes, I felt that an 18 minute one mile walk would be insufficient (you know, being 12 minutes short of the required 30 minutes).  So after I walked a mile, and had jelly thighs, meaning there was no use in them whatsoever - completely different from the bowl full of jelly that I use to catch every spill at every meal - I switched over to the "Walk and Kick" - a 30 minute workout that strangely resembles Tae Bo - but without Billy Blanks. Instead I worked out with Leslie Sansone (she is now my new best friend) and her cast of friends. They annoyed me. Why would anyone put on make-up and smile while exercising - has anyone ever thought of that? 

Here comes a tangent - first of all, exercise sucks. How anyone can smile and laugh through the entire process is beyond me, I can't even catch enough breath to yell at my dog to get out of the way! (good thing he understands what my various snaps mean, why can't my children be so obedient??) Second of all - what is with the whole laughing and cheering group of people?? While I have never set foot inside of a gym, I am pretty sure that the groups of people in there aren't laughing and smiling (while wearing make-up!!?!?) they are sweating up a storm and don't care how many muscles the body contains. Thirdly - what is with the music?? I once heard the music I work out to described as "Super Mario Brothers gone Techno" - yea, that pretty much sums it up - if only there was a mushroom that I could bust of a bunch of bricks to get at. And if only said mushroom made me shrink instead of growing taller, but I would still like the super cool fireballs. And if the said mushroom was made of the most delectable chocolate then maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't mind being Mario, but my favorite color is green, so I would probably be Luigi! There - tangent done!

The second challenge of today's workout consisted of the materials used in said workout. Apparently, in the new DVD Leslie requests that I use weight balls. I happened to overlook
this fact (which was printed in very tiny print on the back of the DVD) and found myself without said weight balls. My husband, being so kind and observant, handed me two potatoes to use as weights. I would suggest that you never ever use potatoes as weights! While I am sure you can imagine the problems associated with using produce in your workout let me give you one visual: sweaty palms! 

The third challenge of today's workout was the simple fact that I had volunteered to watch my darling niece and simply adorable nephew! No, I mean it, they are darling and adorable. My niece, if you can visualize, is a talker. And I don't mean she likes to chat with you now and then, no, she likes to talk, all the time. I think that if she were to loose her voice for more than a day, her world would end. I mean it. I have never, never, never met a 4 year old with so much to say. In fact, should she continue with this most impressive talent, she would have an amazing career as an auctioneer! My nephew, sweet boy, is 18 months, still takes naps, and sadly, today, he didn't get one. So as I am roaming around my living room working up a sweat, dreaming of mushrooms made of chocolate, having super cool fireball power, dressing myself in green (hat and all) my nephew was stumbling around is that overly tired stupor that is so befitting to all of us when we haven't slept. 

My husband did an amazing job of fielding all 5 children (ages 8, 6, 4, 4, and 18 months) while I worked out. (remember, my dog is the most behaved, so after I snapped at him, he kept his mouth shut and just watched from the couch!) I successfully completed my goal for the day! But lest you think me amazing, let me just say that the "Walk and Kick" 30 minute workout only lasted 14 minutes, just enough to cover my 30 minute commitment. (haha)

Tomorrow is Sunday - my usual day of rest! But alas, I have learned that one day of rest usually turns into 2, which turns into three, which turns into a year, which turns into 5, which turned into 10! So, until I am sure that I can take a rest without jeopardizing the goal to free my skinny girl, I will workout tomorrow too!  8 days down, 357 to go! (thank god this year isn't a leap year!)

Ending thought: There is no Challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself ~ Michael F. Staley

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